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Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Aaron Westbrook

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Aaron Westbrook

Hello my friends!

Stephen Seagull's interview corner.jpgWelcome back to Stephen Seagull’s interview corner! This week for our Ocean Hero, I would like to introduce someone who developed a passion and turn that into a career! This Ocean Hero started up his own nonprofit that not only helps people, but saves the environment in the process!

  1. Hello, I’m Stephen Seagull, and I’m from the beach! What’s your name and where are you from?

Aaron Westbrook. Ohio.

Aaron Westbrook of Form5 Prosthetics Inc. with Finn the Dolphin of Shore Buddies

    2.  How long have you been passionate about Ocean Protection?

3 years.

    3.  Ocean Protection is a pretty big deal to me and my friends since we live at the ocean. What event happened in your life that made you want to pursue Ocean Protection?

After 3-D printing my own prosthetic arm in high-school I was destined to do two things; provide prosthetics for others like myself and to research sustainable ways of 3-D printing a prosthesis. Through my organization, Form5 we are recycling plastic waste into prosthetics for people who can't afford them. One of my many dreams is to help the efforts of others who are cleaning up our oceans and to utilize these plastics for good.

Aaron Westbrook of Form5 Prosthetics Inc. with Maddie trying a prosthetic arm

    4.  What specific cause are you a part of/did you create? Tell us about what it accomplishes.

Form5 Prosthetics Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Ohio that provides eco-friendly prosthetics for those with congenital and other limb differences by using 3D printing and closed-loop recycling to innovate, create, and reform the future.

    5.  I know I’ve been flying around longer than you (we don’t have to give actual numbers of how old I am) but what do you believe is the state of our oceans today versus when you started pursuing ocean protection?

I stay optimistic about the fact that more and more people are becoming aware of plastic pollution, especially in relation to our ocean. I have seen an increase in initiatives and hands-on cleanup efforts that are starting to roll the ball of ocean protection.

Aaron Westbrook of Form5 Prosthetics Inc. with Shore Buddies Ocean Activist pin

    6.  What tip do you have for everyone to help keep plastics out of the ocean?

Think outside of the box. It's about repurposing as much as it is about recycling. Good things take time.

    7.  It’s been so great interviewing with you. I have one last question for you. What would you tell someone who is struggling to stand up for a cause they are passionate about?

There are 7.53 billion in this world, but never underestimate the power of one person for standing up for what's right. We're all in this together.

Aaron Westbrook of Form5 Prosthetics Inc with Finn the Dolphin of Shore Buddies

For more information about Aaron Westbrook and Form5 Prosthetics Inc., visit and


Do you know someone who should be featured as a Shore Buddies Ocean Hero? We would love to hear from you. Please email us at who, why and how we can get in contact.