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Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean - hardcover book.jpg
Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean - hardcover book.jpg
Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean - hardcover book.jpg
Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean - hardcover book.jpg
Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean - hardcover book.jpg

Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean

Regular price €14,95 Sale

Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean

(Hardcover 8.5"x8.5")

Shore Buddies And the Plastic Ocean is the story of 5 friends that are giving marine life a voice in fighting ocean plastic pollution. Find out what they discover in this cute illustrated children's book. Join Emma the Whale, Finn the Dolphin, Sammy the Seal, Shelly the Sea Turtle and Stephen Seagull in their journey to stand up against ocean plastic pollution. Learn what you can do to help save marine life and keep plastics out of the oceans.

#forouroceans #shorebuddies

$1 from every purchase helps to SAVE marine life

  • LEARN - How Dangerous Plastic is for Marine Life, the Environment and Our Oceans
  • ECO TIPS - Easy tips what You can do Daily to Help Keep Plastics out Of Our Oceans
  • SUPPORT THE SHORE BUDDIES MISSION - We strive to save marine life by educating our youth on the dangers of plastics for Marine Life and keeping plastics out of our Oceans
  • $1 FOR THE OCEAN - We donate $1 from every product purchase to non for profit organizations that share our Mission Statement

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