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Shore Buddies webblog

Finn is squealing about Alaska Airlines’s bold move!

Alaska Airlines plane no straws.png

Finn is squealing about Alaska Airlines’s bold move!

Hey, guys! Did you hear, did you hear?! Alaska Airlines is going to be plastic straw-free this summer!! Starting July 16, 2018...

Finn whistles and cheers for Seattle, hooray!

Finn kicks straws goodbye in Seattle

Finn whistles and cheers for Seattle, hooray!

Hey guys, Finn here!

Have you heard the good news?? Seattle just banned plastic straws! This is s exciting, and even historic, as they’re the first major U.S. city to pass this law! ...

Finn is appalled that humans drink plastic

Finn, fishies and microplastics

Finn is appalled that humans drink plastic

Swimming in waters without seeing any plastic has become hard to do. I don’t like the feel of plastic bottles touching my body, and I dolphinetely don’t like the taste! Won’t you help me and my Shore Buddies reduce plastic waste?

Finn Loves Upcycling with Remember Me Green!

Shore Buddies with beach bag from recycled billboards

Finn Loves Upcycling with Remember Me Green! 

Hey guys, have you heard of “upcycling”? It’s when you take waste material and make it into a better-quality product. And that’s exactly what Remember Me Green is doing with NYC...