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Shore Buddies webblog

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Emi Koch

Emi Koch with Shore Buddies Finn the Dolphin

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Emi Koch

Me, myself, and I, Sir Stephen Seagull has brought to you Stephen’s Interview Corner! Even better, I’m back with our Ocean Hero of the Week. Are you ready for this dolphinetly great person? This time I bring you San Diego local Emi Koch! She started as a surfer and developed her passion for the ocean and its animal life. This led her to help create a nonprofit, but do you know which one?

Sammy of Shore Buddies Talks Trader Joe's Phasing Out Plastic

Trader Joes storefront

Sammy of Shore Buddies talks Trader Joe's Phasing Out Plastic

Trader Joe's has made a commitment to improve their packaging by replacing all single-use plastics and styrofoam trays with biodegradable, compostable alternatives! Trader Joe's spokesperson and representative released that “while most of the plastic in our packaging has the highest recyclability acceptance rate in the U.S., reducing the amount of plastic packaging in our stores is another important focus of our sustainability.”

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Ryan Hickman

Ryan Hickman posing in front of recycling pile

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Ryan Hickman

Welcome to Stephen’s Interview Corner! I’m Stephen Seagull and I’m back with our new Ocean Hero of the Week! This week, I’m very proud to introduce you all to the recycling hero himself, Ryan Hickman. I thought I liked to fly high and shoot for the stars, but this amazing young man is flying past me! He can’t walk past trash without picking it up and making an impact on the environment around him.

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Marc Ward

Marc Ward helping keep oceans clean with Shore Buddies Shelly the Sea Turtle

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Marc Ward

Stephen Seagull Interview partner.pngHi, Stephen here. Marc Ward is one of the greatest protectors of my dear friend, Shelly the Sea Turtle. Through his adventures, he developed quite a passion for marine life in realizing just how important they are to our oceans. His love for turtles drove him to help create Sea Turtles Forever, a program that dedicated everything they had to protecting sea turtles from all the problems they can face. 

Ocean Hero of the Week: Sammie Vance

Sammie Vance with Shore Buddies Sammy the Seal.jpg

Shore Buddies Ocean Hero of the Week: Sammie Vance

Shore Buddies Stephen Seagull.png

Stephen Seagull here, and I’m back with what I like to call Stephen’s Interview Corner! I’ve decided to fly high and start an Ocean Hero of the Week! To kickoff this FINNtastic program, I would be so honored to introduce you all to Sammie Vance. Sammie is an amazing little girl that wanted to stop kids from being lonely at recess. She created a comic strip explaining how these benches would help save my home as well as keep children from feeling lonely. 400lbs of plastic caps later, Sammie’s Buddy Bench was here to stay.

Stephen is so proud of 4th graders in Lawrence, KS

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Stephen is so proud of 4th graders in Lawrence, KS

Hello, Ocean Friends! Stephen Seagull here! Have you heard about the 4th graders that sparked a discussion about the merits and costs of banning single-use plastics in their city in Kansas?

How Shore Buddies Taught Me To Be More Sustainable

How Shore Buddies Taught Me To Be More Sustainable
 For the past seven months, I have learned a great deal about myself and the impact I have on my environment. Growing up in Florida...

Emma congratulates Volvo Ocean Race sailors on joining the fight!

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Emma congratulates Volvo Ocean Race sailors on joining the fight! Hello friends, I’m Emma the Whale! Remember back in May, there was a boat race across Point Nemo in the Pacific Ocean? Two yachts were horrified at the amount of plastic in the water...

Finn is squealing about Alaska Airlines’s bold move!

Alaska Airlines plane no straws.png

Finn is squealing about Alaska Airlines’s bold move!

Hey, guys! Did you hear, did you hear?! Alaska Airlines is going to be plastic straw-free this summer!! Starting July 16, 2018...

Finn whistles and cheers for Seattle, hooray!

Finn kicks straws goodbye in Seattle

Finn whistles and cheers for Seattle, hooray!

Hey guys, Finn here!

Have you heard the good news?? Seattle just banned plastic straws! This is s exciting, and even historic, as they’re the first major U.S. city to pass this law! ...

Emma brings bad news from the deepest and most remote locations on Earth

Mariana Trench - depth comparison.jpg

Emma brings bad news from the deepest and most remote locations on Earth

Ocean Friends, I am afraid I have bad news. I heard through the wave-line there is plastic and other trash both in the Mariana Trench and at Point Nemo. My human friends...

Finn is appalled that humans drink plastic

Finn, fishies and microplastics

Finn is appalled that humans drink plastic

Swimming in waters without seeing any plastic has become hard to do. I don’t like the feel of plastic bottles touching my body, and I dolphinetely don’t like the taste! Won’t you help me and my Shore Buddies reduce plastic waste?