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Stephen is so proud of 4th graders in Lawrence, KS

Stephen is so proud of 4th graders in Lawrence, KS

Hello, Ocean Friends! Stephen Seagull here!

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Have you heard about the 4th graders that sparked a discussion about the merits and costs of banning single-use plastics in their city in Kansas?

It all started when they learned about how much plastic is in the ocean, and how much it hurts wildlife. These elementary school students did a project learning about plastic bags specifically, and flew over to City Hall to convince the leaders of Lawrence, KS, that banning the bags is a good idea. 

And if 9-year-olds getting involved in local politics wasn’t exciting enough, listen to this: the city leaders were so impressed, that they have since decided to expand the discussion to include all types of single-use plastics, like straws and take-out containers! They must have been paying attention to what Seattle and several cities in California are doing, because they are forming a community work group. This group is looking at the ways to help make the switch easier on companies that use these plastics, doing lots of math to see how they can make it less expensive and giving rewards to those who switch.

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This story right here, is what we call a ripple effect! These 4th graders, by scheduling a meeting with their City Council, have gotten a whole city to look at how plastics are used, and how they can best be Reduced, Reused, and Recycled, in the way that best suits their City. Isn’t it inspiring?!

Well, what are you waiting for? Go and squawk about it to your City and Town Councils!

Keep fighting, Ocean Friends!
