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Shore Buddies Video Library

Shore Buddies visit at Kindergarten in San Francisco, California to talk about ocean plastic and how we can do better

Shore Buddies featured on CBS8 - San Diego News

What Shore Buddies is about in a nutshell

Shore Buddies featured on CBS7 News as eco-friendly gift option For Kids

Shore Buddies KICKSTARTER campaign is  featured on ABC 10 News San Diego

Shore Buddies are featured on FOX5 News San Diego

Shore Buddies are stuffed animals made from recycled plastic bottles

Shore Buddies Founder Malte Niebelschuetz tells the Story how Shore Buddies got started

Shore Buddies is taking a whale watching tour and connects students with the Ocean.

Shore Buddies Founder Malte Niebelschuetz keynote speech at sustainability forum at Middle School in La Jolla, CA