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Shore Buddies webblog

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 3/6

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The Shore Buddies' Superpowered Stand Against Plastic Pollution

In the sparkling waters of the ocean, a team of heroes gathers. They're not your usual champions; they're the Shore Buddies, and they're on a mission to combat the ocean's plastic pollution. Each Buddy brings a unique superpower to the battle, uniting their strengths to protect their beloved sea.

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 2/14

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Celebrating Valentine's Day with Stephen Seagull, the Coastal Crusader

Love is in the Air, and It's Calling Us to the Beach

Valentine's Day isn't just about chocolates and flowers; it's a day to express love in all its forms. This year, Stephen Seagull, our beloved Coastal Crusader, is spreading love for the ocean by leading a Valentine's Day beach clean-up. Despite his clumsiness, Stephen's dedication to keeping the beaches clean is unwavering, and he's calling on all of us to join him.