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Shore Buddies webblog

Wisdom Wednesday 12/04/19

horseshoe crab image from @kristoferlanders on Instagram
The horseshoe crab is a living fossil. It has been on Earth some 220 million years, longer than dinosaurs. And it survives today almost identical to its ancient ancestors. Horseshoe crabs are more closely related to spiders, ticks and scorpions than they are to true crabs.

Wisdom Wednesday 11/27/19

The females taking care of their fry are called maternal mouthbrooders because  the female immediately picks up the fertilized eggs and holds them in her mouth for about three weeks while the little ones hatch and grow a bit. During this time, the female will not eat in order to give the next generation a head start in life.

Wisdom Wednesday 11/20/19

Barrier Reef photo from Instagram @javifigs
Barrier reefs help to protect lagoons and other shallow waters. It is essentially a coral reef running parallel to the shore but separated from it by a channel of deep water. A barrier reef is usually pierced by several channels that give access to the lagoon and the island or continent beyond it.

Wisdom Wednesday 11/06/19

Ocean Sunfish picture from Instagram @jim_abernethy
Ocean Sunfish lay more eggs than any other vertebrate animal...roughly 300,000,000, and they are voracious predators feeding mostly on jellyfish. In German, they are called “swimming heads”, but they may or may not be plankton. Despite its massive size, the sunfish has been classified for years as a type of plankton,

Wisdom Wednesday 10/02/2019

Rockfish image from Instagram user Steve Peletz
Some rockfish can live to be 100 years or older. Most Rockfish grow very slowly and don’t reproduce until they are at least 10 years old.

Wisdom Wednesday 9/25/2019

Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber photo from Instagram
Tiger Tail Sea Cucumbers are the largest sea cucumber in the Western Atlantic. They feed on algae and detritus. Juveniles often mimic sea slugs by crawling around on the bottom slowly filtering sand through their tentacles to gather food.

Wisdom Wednesday 9/18/2019

Globe Fish image from Instagram
When pufferfish are threatened, they can take in so much air inside their stomachs that they bloat and turn into large, perfect balls up to three times larger!

Wisdom Wednesday 9/11/2019

Golden Cuttlefish image from Instagram
Despite their name, cuttlefish are not fish but molluscs, and there are over 120 species of cuttlefish. Cuttlefish have eight arms and two tentacles. Both the tentacles and arms have suckers.

Wisdom Wednesday 9/04/2019

Moray Eel image from Instagram
The wolf eel (though similar to the Moray Eel) is not a true eel, but part of the Anarhichadidae family of “wolf fishes”. Wolf-eels can grow up to 8 feet long

Wisdom Wednesday 04/03/2019

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday Baby turtles on the beach.jpg

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday

Most beaches are found on the coast, where wave action, currents, tides and seawater rises continuously rework and shape the sediment. As a result, beaches are usually regarded as dynamic, natural phenomenon. Because of this....

Wisdom Wednesday 03/20/2019

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday what is sand.jpg

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday

Sand is made from large boulders being broken apart by wind or rocks. They get smaller and smaller until they reach the beach or a low lying area. It is defined by size, being finer than gravel and coarser than silt....