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Shore Buddies webblog

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 2/21

Shore Buddies Emma the Whale educating other Sea Creatures about Ocean Plastic Pollution.png

Emma the Whale's Call to Action Against Microplastics

A Gentle Giant's Plea: Saving Our Seas from the Microplastic Tide

In the tranquil waters of the ocean, where the majestic whales roam, Emma the Whale, our Caring Chef, stirs a story that resonates with the rhythm of the waves. It's a narrative woven from the depths of her wisdom, as she grapples with a hidden adversary—microplastics.

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 2/7

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 2/7

Shelly the Sea Turtle - The Guardian of the Deep


In the vast, blue expanse of our oceans, where life flourishes in every corner, Shore Buddies Shelly the Sea Turtle embarks on a critical mission. Known for her graceful swims through coral havens, Shelly isn't just another marine inhabitant; she's a guardian. Today, we share her story and her battle against a silent threat - abandoned fishing gear.

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 12/27

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 12/27

Wisdom Wednesday: The Invisible Threat of Microplastics

Welcome to another Wisdom Wednesday with Shore Buddies! Today, we're diving into a pressing environmental issue - microplastics. These tiny plastic fragments, often invisible to the naked eye, are becoming a global crisis, especially for our oceans and marine life.

Shore Buddies Wisdom Wednesday 12/13

A Shore Buddies Tale
The Tale of Shore Buddies and the Fight Against Plastic Pollution Welcome to another edition of Wisdom Wednesday, where we blend storytelling with ...

Wisdom Wednesday | Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber

Wisdom Wednesday | Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber
Tiger Tail Sea Cucumbers are the largest sea cucumber in the Western Atlantic. They feed on algae and detritus. Juveniles often mimic sea slugs by crawling around on the bottom slowly filtering sand through their tentacles to gather food. Once older, they can spread their tentacles above them to capture plankton. A number of sea cucumbers feed nocturnally while others feed by day. Sea cucumbers often attract hitch-hikers like shrimps and crabs that crawl over their skin. As a means of defence sea cucumbers can expel their intestines or respiratory organs in the form of sticky threads, but these can quickly regenerate

Wisdom Wednesday | Picasso Triggerfish

Wisdom Wednesday | Picasso Triggerfish
“While the fish in this photo appears to be sitting there allowing me to take his photo it was quite the contrary. He came up at me from the sandy bottom with such intent and speed that I couldn't believe I managed to get him in the frame, let alone having him and is grumpy face in focus!” Picasso Triggerfish vocalizes using a "grunting" sound.

Wisdom Wednesday | Rockfish

image of a rockfish by Steve Peletz
Some rockfish can live to be 100 years or older. Most Rockfish grow very slowly and don’t reproduce until they are at least 10 years old. Believe it or not, rockfish are aged accurately by analyzing the bones in their ears! Some species of rockfish are very territorial and may stay at a ‘home site’ for years. Rockfish often extend their dorsal spines and lean towards an approaching threat.  If this defensive posture fails to discourage an approaching threat, most rockfish will then head for nearby cover. Rockfish have air bladders which allow them to float motionless in the water column. This helps them to sneak up on prey very quietly to strike.

Wisdom Wednesday | Leopard Sharks

Image of a Leopard Shark from Amy Mercer
Living up to about 30 years, leopard sharks can be found in shallow muddy waters, particularly Northern California. Often times they are preyed upon by larger sharks, like the Great White, but they themselves eat relatively small animals like worms, crabs, octopus, and fish.  Branching off from a species of houndshark in the Triakidae family, adult leopard sharks can grow up to 6 feet long, but typically average at about 5 feet.

Wisdom Wednesday | Penguins

Wisdom Wednesday | Penguins
We all know that penguins can’t fly, but did you know that they have adapted their wings to be better at swimming in the water?  Their black and white coloring helps them to camouflage while they are darting through the seas.  From below their white bellies appear to be nothing else than the sun reflecting on the water, and from above their black feathers blend in with the ocean.

Gulf of Mexico

For those who don’t know, The Gulf of Mexico is part of the Atlantic Ocean and is largely surrounded by the North American continent.  This particular body of water, along with all that encompasses our ocean is critical for our survival along with all our other friends who make up the sea.